Cancer Cause Sexual Difficulties
There may be various reasons why sex may not be enjoyable after cancer. There can be emotional and physical reasons. Cancer is stressful for many to manage from a financial, relationship, family and employment perspective. Day to day life for many women is filled with plenty of stress, but when the diagnosis of cancer and its treatments are added to this mix, the stress can be overwhelming. This stress can interfere with one even considering having an intimate relationship.

Certain surgical procedures such as a mastectomy or colostomy may make a woman feel unattractive and create body image concerns. A mastectomy will also create a complete loss of sensation in the chest area from a sexual function perspective. Typically the nipple is removed which may impact sexual desire.

Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy can affect a woman’s sexual enjoyment. Also, other medications that are used to treat anxiety, pain or depression may interfere with sexual function.

Article by Lisa Martinez