The Right Birth Control
There are many different kinds of birth control available to women, and choosing the right method is a very personal decision.

The best option depends on a variety of lifestyle factors and individual preferences, and women are encouraged to consider several things before settling on one, including:
  • How healthy are you?
  • Do you have sex often?
  • Will it protect you from sexually transmitted diseases?
  • Do you want children in the near future?
  • What side e‰ ects might you experience?
  • Is it practical and a‰ ordable for you?
Types of birth control

Pills, rings, patches, sponges, condoms, abstinence, implantable devices…the list of birth control options goes on and on, and choosing the right one can be overwhelming. But national director of education initiatives for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, says there are two big categories of birth control that can work for most women—hormonal and barrier.

“Hormonal methods like the pill and the patch work by preventing ovulation and, thus, pregnancy. Barrier methods like condoms and the sponge work by preventing sperm from meeting the egg—they are easy to get and can also serve as STD prevention.”

Be proactive

The best time to choose a birth control method is before you need it, and it is important for women to know how to use their contraception properly, and to understand the potential consequences when used incorrectly.

“We love to see someone who may just be thinking about having sex and they want to explore what birth control might be best for them.”

Article by Jill Smits

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